Welcome in Teamio integrations portal

Are you looking to integrate your solution with Teamio? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Teamio is an online recruitment tool that allows you to post job advertisements, manage candidate replies, search through previously saved candidates, and much more. For a list of our most demanded features, please visit http://www.teamio.com/en.

If you’re interested in integrating your solution with Teamio, you’ll need an active account. There are three common scenarios for integrating your service with Teamio.

Vacancies import API – if you need to post jobs to Teamio supported job portals

Vacancies export API – If you need to process Teamio vacancies through a third-party platform, such as displaying your job advertisements on a Teamio-unsupported job portal.

Candidate replies export API – When you want to export candidate responses from Teamio into your system.

Last changes:

Change of Prague ID district

RÚIAN changed the id of the Prague district from 200001 to 23009999. This ID is used in import of vacancies to Teamio and also in Export vacancies from Teamio.

  • Original: 200001
  • New: 23009999

You can find more information here: https://www.cuzk.cz/ruian/Poskytovani-udaju-ISUI-RUIAN-VDP/Informace-o-uzemni-identifikaci/DopadyZruseniOkresuHlavniMestoPraha.aspx