API Responses

All clients has API of automatic import of vacancies in v3 version.

API v3 has the following functionality:

  • XML of vacancies
  • value lists
  • endpoint
  • credentials
  • passwords
  • error messages
  • returns successfully message in response
  • Request XML is validated by XSD schema (see https://integrations.teamio.com/value-lists/) before import. Direct link to XSD: http://schema.lmc.cz/ei_std/xsd/ei_std_jd_2006-10-19.xsd

Example of successfully response after successful import:

HTTP/1.1 200 content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

Example of errors response after unsuccessful import:

Bad import URL

HTTP/1.1 401 content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

Bad credentials

HTTP/1.1 401 content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

Service is not active

HTTP/1.1 403 content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

The first position was not successfully imported

Position has a external link parameter but company hasn’t active for assessment external link.

HTTP/1.1 422 content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

First position imported successfully, the second was not

First position ok. Second one has a external link parameter but company hasn’t active for assessment external link.

HTTP/1.1 207 content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8

Import of already existing vacancy

There is already a vacancy in Teamio with the same client ID from your ATS.
Which means you are trying to import a duplicate vacancy with client ID that already exists in Teamio. If you want to import the vacancy for the same position again, it must have a different client ID, then already existing vacancies in Teamio.

BR tag

In the <richtext> element, an attempt is made to import <br>, however, the correct one is <br/>. We use the XHTML standard which requires <br/> with a slash at the end – as a pair tag.

Long text

The text in the attribute name of the textField element is too long, the limit is 10 000 characters.

Import of already existing vacancy

An attempt to import a vacancy with an ID/clientID that is already used for a vacancy in Teamio. It is not possible to import such duplicity, import must be carried out with a unique ID that does not yet appear in any vacancy in Teamio.

Not URL encoded

Import xml is not URL encoded. (the server will evaluate that the string ends earlier, probably somewhere before the first =) and import will not occur)