Candidates replies export API

This document describes automatic export of received replies and necessary changes in the xml structure due the GDPR.

Basic principles of export

  • Export interface is created by LMC upon request of the client
  • Each new received reply of an applicant in Teamio is automatically exported to export interface [note that we do not include manually created candidates within Teamio app (Inbox, Add new candidate, Assign candidate to another recruitment) to exported replies, because those are not technically received replies].
  • Data is given in XML format
  • Client’s internal system must necessarily download xml from the export interface


General Data Protection Regulation involves the protection of personal data and the rights of individuals. Its aim is to ease the flow of personal data across the 28 EU member states.

The Regulation will come into effect on the 25th May 2018 and will bring in significant changes to current data protection laws (Personal Data Protection Act No. 101/2000 Col.; 101/2000 Sb. Zákon o ochraně osobních údajů) as we know them.

Maybe you aren’t sure about what it will mean for your HR department. Look at (in czech only).

Key changes due GDPR

The key change is that export will contain new element GDPR.

Elements addressing consent in accordance with 101/2000 in current version of xml

New element addresing consent in accordance with GDPR in GDPR version of xml

Meaning of GDPR element

consentValidTo – Consent is valid until the specified date.

consentText – The whole text of consent.

noticeText – The notice text is part of obtaining consent from the user (or telling them about legitimate interests, for example), and is presented at the point of data collection.

What does it mean to you?

You should prepare your system for the new structure of XML.

After 25th May 2018 every new vacancy will support reply in accordance with GDPR. So there will be reactions with GDPR element.

Beware that elements “date101Expiration” and “accepted101Text” can be a part of export after 25th May as well. Because there will be reactions with consent obtained before 25th May 2018 according with 101/2000.

Below you can find example of XML.

Sample data to download

Current version of the XML

GDPR version of the XML

Calling API in 15 minutes period

You can call our API at any time, but no more frequently than every 15 minutes. More frequent downloads are not allowed. If you try to call API more often, you get an error message.

Limitation on 200 replies

If you try to call API and xml will contain more than 200 replies. This call will end with error. In this case you have to set more accurate ristriction on exact day and time. So you can call our API with parameters in the URL and cut export for a smaller time period

Limitation by day:


Limitation by day and exact time:


Final URL

Historical replies

Normally, API returns candidate responses no more than 5 days old. If you want to get older reactions, you need to add a parameter to define that you want to get older reactions. For example: &from=2018-09-20&until=2018-09-21

You can modify parameters from/to in URL to historic date, export API could generates all replies from last 6 months but you can download only 100 replies for one calling this URL. You have to realize it.

How can I determine which attachment is the CV if the candidate’s response includes multiple attachments?

You can recognize it if you find <description> with value 208700001 or value 208700010.

208700001 is for CV from basic reply form

208700010 is for CV from Flexi questionnaire

There will always be only one attachment with one or the other value for the reaction. Both will never be there for the reaction.

Description of individual elements in XML

Description you can find here.

Candidate’s attachment

Candidate’s attachments are part of the export. It’s encode in Base64.