Vacancies export API

The objective of this document is to describe in details the communication interface for exporting vacancies Teamio. The user of this document should have at least basic orientation in Information Technology.

Description of the interface

The standard export is done using a combination of HTTP and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocols. Exported data are available on pre-defined URL address which is unique for each company (exports use different URL’s). Communication must be performed through a secured channel via port 443.

Important hint: Only HTTPS protocol is supported.

Export file download description

  • External application sends the HTTP request to download the export file to the assigned URL address (authentication data sent by GET method is included)
  • After successful authentication, the export file is generated by XSL transformation and final file is published to pre-defined URL address
  • Export file is downloaded from pre-defined URL address to external system after
  • In case of authentication error, error code is sent to external system

Diagram of export interface

Syntax of HTTP request

General Url structure

Sample of the XML export Url

Variable Sample Description
type 1 type of export code (1 = export of vacancies)
login test security unique name
password password security password
custompath /company/exportname client’s export path

Description of XML format

Following paragraphs describe XML file. If “hidden” attribute is mentioned by any element and it is set to value=”true” then content is not visible in published vacancy.

<positionList> – mandatory attribute “create” represents date and time of creating file.

Currently it can gain the following values:

  • insert (id=20300001) for creating a new vacancy
  • update (id=20300002) for updating, modification of the content of the position
  • renew (id=20300004) for changes concerning the changes of services in the published position (e.g. extending the publish period).

Important hint: A document which is no longer active is not contained in the export file!

<date> – contains the date of the validity and the date of the last renew action.

<parametrList> – contains all client parameters, which serve for identification of the vacancy in the client system or for the transfer of specific entries. The maximum number of client identifiers is 8. The number of additional parameters is not limited.

<organization> –  is used only as envelope for notice of the contact person, see element <contactInformation>.
Elements <firstName>, <surname> and <email> serves for unique identification of the recruiter.

<jobDescription> – contains entries assigned in the job description form of the vacancy.

<positionName> – contains internal name of the position, which can differ from the published name of the vacancy. The public name of vacancy you can find in <textFieldList>.

Attribute “id” by recruitmentProcessId element uniquely define the recruitment process.

<companyName> – Mandatory attribute id represents unique identifier of company generated by Teamio/LMC G2 application.

<occupationFieldList> – contains branches (sometimes known also as categories), to which were the vacancy assigned.

<professionList> – contains professions, to which were the vacancy assigned.

<employmentTypeList> – contains types of labor relations to given position.

Employments are split to the 3 groups:

  • Employment type (ID:201300001,201300002,201300003)
  • Experience / Internship, Trainee program (ID:201300005, 201300007)
  • Type of contract (ID:212700001,212700002,212700003,212700004)

At least one type of relation is mandatory, it is not possible choose Temporary work and Full-time work in the same vacancy

  • Full-time (ID:201300001)
  • Part-time (ID:201300002)
  • Temporary work (ID:201300003)

Vacancies (Temporary work) can contain additional items for employment type.

  • length of employment
  • number of hours per week
  • categories of employees
  • duration from date-to
  • work only certain days of the week

<jobMarketStatus> – contains required level of leading for given position.

Job Market Status supports only three values: Graduate, Pensioner, Maternity / paternity leave.

<healthState> – designates, if the vacancy is available for persons with reduced ability to work and if there is a condition of visiting the company.

<educationType> – assigns minimal required education.

<remunerationPackage> – contains offered salary and benefits.

Element <jobLocality>

Assigns specific work location. More work locations can be assigned. See Appendices for best available detail of address. If the specific level of the address is not supported elements remains empty.

Supported level for address data to element <jobLocality>.

Country Level of supported details
Czech Republic Street and house number
Slovakia City
Estonia City
Latvia City
Lithuania City
Moldova City
Romania City
Hungary City
Poland City
Serbia City
Montenegro City
Ukraine City
Finland City
Bulgaria Region

<linkList> – contains public Url address of the vacancy job description page and the public Url of the application form.

<textFieldList> – contains all texts, which describe the contents of the vacancy (job description text), structured by type:

  • type=title >> name of position, which will be published
  • type=text >> text field of the advertising. Attribute name contains name of the text field and 
attribute id in given format “206000000X” where X assigns the order and is limited by the number of text fields stated in the position form.
  • type=header >> text field of the advertising header
  • type=footer >> text field of the advertising footer.

Simple demonstration

PHP script sample

XML result sample 2.0 – export with newCustomFields2021

In 2021 we introduced new Custom Fields. The Custom Fields are part of the export file.

Export contains the label, name, uuid of custom field.

Custom field without translated values has no label parameters.

Completed example of export with newCustomFields.

Job description in Teamio

The job description is merged and exported in a <richtext> item, text-formatting HTML tags included.

Export of vacancies’ XML

Custom categories that add extra attributes to the description (i.e., “Our Department”). You’ll export them individually in a separate <customFieldList> item.

This is how the export with custom categories is going to look like: